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Royal Tokaji makes the leap to Fells

Published:  11 December, 2023

Royal Tokaji, the Hungarian producer known for its botrytised sweet wines, has made the move to John E Fells & Sons, joining the likes of Wiston Estate, Champagne Henriot and Tedeschi in the portfolio.


Food and wine the focus at Bibendum tasting

Published:  25 May, 2023

Yesterday (May 24), Bibendum welcomed the trade to its ‘A World of Fine Wine’ spring cellar-tasting featuring Old and New World regions with one notable exception – Bordeaux.


Hungary for UK listings

Published:  12 April, 2023

With sweet, dry and sparkling production, in 2023 the Hungarian region of Tokaj is an energetic all-rounder with a top-end pedigree. However, the best wines still aren’t always necessarily making their way to the UK, writes Jo Gilbert.